
List of books, book chapters, journal articles, policy briefs, white papers, and thesis.


  1. Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities of Different Last-Mile Delivery Strategies
    Miguel Jaller , Anmol Pahwa, Jean-Daniel Saphores , and 1 more author
    University of California Institute of Transportation Studies
  2. Evaluating private and system-wide impacts of freight eco-routing
    Anmol Pahwa, and Miguel Jaller
    Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment


  1. Coping with the Rise of E-commerce Generated Home Deliveries through Innovative Last-mile Technologies and Strategies
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    National Center for Sustainable Trasnsportation
  2. Sketch Planning Tool for Sustainable and Resilient Urban Goods Distribution: User Manual
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    METRANS Transportation Center
  3. Overview of innovations in urban freight
    Miguel Jaller , Anmol Pahwa, Carlos Otero-Palencia , and 1 more author
    In Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight
  4. Assessing Sustainability of E-Commerce Goods Distribution
    Anmol Pahwa
    Univeristy of California, Davis
  5. Assessing last-mile distribution resilience under demand disruptions
    Anmol Pahwa, and Miguel Jaller
    Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
  6. Estimating last-mile deliveries and shopping travel emissions by 2050
    Miguel Jaller , Runhua Ivan Xiao , Sarah Dennis-Bauer , and 2 more authors
    Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment


  1. Assessing E-retailer’s Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    Univeristy of California, Davis
  2. Improving Environmental Justice and Mobility in Southeast Los Angeles
    Genevieve Giuliano , Marlon Boarnet , Miguel Jaller , and 8 more authors
    Pacific Southwest Region Univeristy Transportation Center
  3. National Impacts of E-commerce Growth: Development of a Spatial Demand Based Tool
    Miguel Jaller , Runhua Xiao , Sarah Dennis , and 2 more authors
    National Center for Sustainable Trasnsportation
  4. A cost-based comparative analysis of different last-mile strategies for e-commerce delivery
    Anmol Pahwa, and Miguel Jaller
    Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review


  1. Minimizing the Impact of Freight Traffic on Disadvantaged Communities
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    Pacific Southwest Region Univeristy Transportation Center
  2. The sustainability of alternative last-mile delivery strategies
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    National Center for Sustainable Trasnsportation
  3. Cargo routing and disadvantaged communities
    Miguel Jaller , Anmol Pahwa, and Michael Zhang
    Pacific Southwest Region Univeristy Transportation Center


  1. Automated Vehicles are Expected to Increase Driving and Emissions Without Policy Intervention
    Caroline Rodier , Miguel Jaller , Elham Pourrahmani , and 3 more authors
    National Center for Sustainable Trasnsportation
  2. Analytical modeling framework to assess the economic and environmental impacts of residential deliveries, and evaluate sustainable last-mile strategies
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    National Center for Sustainable Trasnsportation
  3. Automation, electrification, and shared mobility in urban freight: opportunities and challenges
    Miguel Jaller , Carlos Otero-Palencia , and Anmol Pahwa
    Transportation Research Procedia
  4. Evaluating the environmental impacts of online shopping: A behavioral and transportation approach
    Miguel Jaller , and Anmol Pahwa
    Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment


  1. Automated vehicle scenarios: Simulation of system-level travel effects using agent-based demand and supply models in the San Francisco Bay area
    Caroline Rodier , Miguel Jaller , Elham Pourrahmani , and 3 more authors
    National Center for Sustainable Trasnsportation


  1. Methodology for using GPS data from buses to assess link-based travel time variation
    Anmol Pahwa, Sneha Lakhotia , and Geetam Tiwari
    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies