Members of the LogNiti Lab.

+91 44 2257 4275
Room BSB 338
Building Sciences Block
IIT Madras, Chennai
Tamil Nadu - 600036
Principal Investigator
Dr. Anmol Pahwa is an Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, with a particular focus in Transportation Engineering. He holds a BTech in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, and a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of California, Davis. Before joining IIT Madras, Dr. Anmol worked as a postdoctoral scholar at Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis. His research interests include sustainable transportation, freight transportation, city logistics, last-mile, and operations research. Dr. Anmol aspires to play the role of key academic stakeholder in transitioning India’s logistics sector towards a sustainable industry with economically viable, environment efficient, and socially equitable freight transportation capable of handling high-probability low-severity fluctuations, and a resilient industry that is robust, redundant, resourceful, and rapid against low-probability high-severity disruptions.
Research Group
Blessy K: Sustainable urban freight management - Analysing consumer behaviour and last-mile distribution strategies in the Indian retail sector
Stepehen Babu: Eco-driving freight on Indian highways: Assessing opportunities and challenges towards reducing transportation-related externalities
- Krishnapriya Mohanan: Construction Consolidation Centres for Urban Construction Logistics
- Varun A: Assessing sustainability of last-mile distribution strategies for e-commerce deliveries in Chennai
- Arvind Vidhyashankar: Simulating a day in the life of Indians: Unravelling the travel patterns
Hall of Fame